Meet Pibot, a Soon-to-be Robot Pilot Powered by AI

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) stands behind one of the most innovative advancements in aviation – a humanoid robot that ‘knows’ how to fly a plane. The first robot pilot powered by artificial intelligence is named Pibot, and its development will pay the way for other revolutionary discoveries that could emerge when complex industries such as artificial intelligence and robotics merge.

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Illustration: L. T.

KAIST’s Smart Pilot

A team of KAIST’s best researchers and engineers is currently developing the first humanoid robot that can fly an airplane or other types of aircraft without needing to adjust to a human-built cockpit.

Pibot is a humanoid robot that can fly an aeroplane just like a human pilot by manipulating all the single controls in the cockpit, which is designed for humans.

Said David Shim, an associate professor of electrical engineering at KAIST, for the Euronews Next portal.

In other words, the robot is built to fit into a cockpit and manipulate all controls within that space without any human assistance. According to The Science Times, Pitbot is an impressive 160 cm tall and weighs 65 kg. Of course, the bot doesn’t resemble a human being, but it could pass as an advanced drawing of a futuristic robot.

Pitbot combines the best of AI and robotics. As a result, it’s capable of processing the flight manual’s natural language and single-handedly controlling the flight operation process. Its design, including advanced and human-like robotic arms and fingers, allows it to adequately handle all instruments within the cockpit, even during turbulence.

Source: Google

Harnessing the advantages of AI, this humanoid pilot can read and comprehend flight manuals and even memorize sets of Jeppesen aeronautical navigation charts used to facilitate the safe navigation of air charter flights, making it much more capable than human pilots.

Don’t worry; it won’t replace the pilots, at least not anytime soon. It’s designed to provide support in extreme situations, such as when deploying a human pilot could pose a safety risk. Still, it’s noteworthy that the robot’s design allows it to perform other duties, such as driving a car or commanding a ship.

Engineers are still developing the robot, which won’t be fully functional before 2026. And it likely won’t replace your taxi driver either, but will instead be used to support military operations.

Jelena is a content writer dedicated to learning about all things crypto. Her hobbies are playing chess, drawing, baking, and going on long walks. During winter, she usually spends her leisure time reading books.

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